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Grow your business & earn extra

Keeping it simple

Choosing to provide a services through SeekaServ, can offer you the flexibility you require. A great way to connect to new customers without the expensive of your own website or advertising budget.

Whether you’re a freelancer, a skilled professional, or someone just looking to supplement your income with a side hustle, SeekaServ can help you monetize your talents.

Free business profile

Free monthly leads

No long contracts

Equal exposure to jobs

Sign up

If you cannot find your service in the dropdown box, we have not forgot about you! Just use our contact page and tell us to add it. We will email you back on completion.
Describe your business to help prospective customers understand why they should choose you.

Create a username and password

Create a password(Required)
Privacy and terms(Required)
Very Happy young Asian male holding his right hand in the air with a thumb extended

Here to help

Frequently asked questions

How do I price my service

When it comes to pricing your services on SeekaServ, the choice is yours. Whether you prefer to provide a quote or setting an hourly rate, it’s entirely up to you. We believe in giving you the flexibility to showcase your expertise and set your pricing terms that work best for you.

What services can I provide

When it comes to the services you can offer on SeekaServ, the options are vast. With over 370 services to choose from, you have the flexibility to showcase your skills and expertise in the manner that aligns perfectly with you.

How do I communicate with the customer

When it comes to communication between service providers and customers on SeekaServ, it’s all handled seamlessly through our safe messaging service provided within the platform. You can easily connect with clients and discuss service details in a secure environment that prioritizes your privacy and security.

How do I select the location I want to offer my services

When choosing the area to offer your services on SeekaServ, consider your unique offerings. If you provide a physical service, you may prefer to focus on a more local radius, maximizing convenience for both you and your clients. However, if your service can be delivered remotely, the world is your oyster! With SeekaServ, you have the freedom to tailor your service area to best suit your service. You’ll be able to select your work area conveniently when signing up or alternatively this can be changed within your profile, ensuring you can showcase your services exactly where you want to offer them.

Here is what you need to become a service provider

Contact details

As part of the sign-up process for SeekaServ, we kindly ask that you provide us with your full contact details. Your name, Permanent address, email & phone number are all required, having this info handy will help us keep you in the loop about any updates or opportunities related to your SeekaServ account. We will also use these contact details to notify you of any customers looking for your services.

Pass an I.D check

Once you’ve completed your sign-up for a SeekaServ account, keep an eye out for an email requesting your attention to finalize your background check.

Please remember that our partner may need you to provide extra documents for both the right-to-work verification and the basic disclosure check. These documents might align with what you’ve already submitted to your SeekaServ profile.

If you haven’t spotted the email yet, don’t forget to peek into your spam or junk folder. Should you still come up empty, feel free to reach out to the SeekaServ support team for assistance.

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SeekaServ has no multi-million dollar marketing campaign or celebrity sponsors, but we do have something even better—you. If you benefit from SeekaServ please consider telling a friend, setting it up for someone less knowledgeable than yourself, or writing the author of a media article that overlooks us.